The Cheeseburger Ninja: *Hops out of car* HEY! HEY WAIT UP!! HEY JUDAH686!! Now.... YOU WILL PAY!!!!!!
Judah686: :O IT'S YOU!!!! Oh, okay, I'll pay. Just hold up... (Looking through wallet) (Whispering *Hm? Let me see here, oh there's some hmm.. Oh there's some more..... Okay, yeah, getting there getting there, oh here!* Okay, I'll pay, *gives a rotten old toothbrush and a dried up pickle* Okay! Have a nice day seeya soon!
The Cheeseburger Ninja: What the what!! *Runs over to Judah686* NO WAY! I am not accepting this pile of junk!
Judah686: ; _ ; HOW COULD YOU?!?!!? THIS IS NOT JUNK THIS IS... Oh wait, that is junk, well...... Who cares, have a nice day!
The Cheeseburger Ninja: Hey come back here!!! We want Gold Dubble Dollars!!! You'll need to pay 1000 Gold Dubble Dollars!!
Judah686: :O HOW AM I GOING TO GET THAT MONEY!!?? WAIT! You said, "We want Gold Dubble Dollars!!!" AND WHO IS THIS, WE???
The Cheeseburger Ninja: Get a job. And WE??? is Toodlepip and me remember??
Judah686: Oh, oh yeah.
Judah686: Okay, thanks for the tip! Seeya soon! Going to get some jobs! Seeya soon! Seeya soon! Seeya soon! Seeya soon! Seeya soon! Seeya soon! Seeya soon!
The Cheeseburger Ninja: ENOUGH WITH THE, "Seeya Soon!"s!
Judah686: Okay, seeya later! Seeya later! Seeya later! Seeya later! Seeya later! Okay, bye going to get a job *doesn't move anywhere*
The CheeseBurger Ninja: FINE!! Here's a job *shows picture of ice cream shop*
Judah686: Okay thanks! *goes to ice cream shop to get a job* Can I have a job here? HOW MUCH WILL I GET PAYED?!?!?! TELL ME NOW!!!!!! OR ELSE.... I'LL CALL THE DUBBLE POLICE RIGHT NOW!!!
Ice Cream Shop Dubble: No, you cannot work here.
Judah686: Why?
Ice Cream Shop Dubble: Because, you, you just can't!! .... We have enough workers??... NOW LEAVE!
Judah686: Okay, okay, don't got to be so mean.. HEY LOOK! A burger shop!! *Walks to burger shop* hey, can I have a job here burger hat guy???
Burger Hat Guy: How much burgers have you cooked?
Judah686: Bout zero.
Burger Hat Guy: Okay, *writes down* how good are you at making burgers?
Judah686: I'm the worst in the BigLittleBang Universe!
Burger Hat Guy: Then NO!
Judah686: Fine, :O I HAVE AN IDEA! I'll make my own shop, with only one worker, me! Hmm, where will I get the money? I KNOW I'LL WORK!!! Walks to the Building Factory... Hi can I work here??
Building Factory Guy: Okay, only a couple things I need to ask, how many things have you built and
Judah686: I've succeeded on all the things I've built!
Building Factory Guy: Hm? Oh, okay, *writes down* now, have you built your spaceship very big? Is it bigger than mine?!?!
Judah686: Yes, way bigger.
Building Factory Guy: Okay, you have the job! We will tell you what to build...
Judah686: Okay, *signs papers* *does all that blah blah blah stuff to get the job* *puts on building hat* I am ready! *Walks in building to building office*
Building Factory Guy: JUDAH686!! We need.. *Checks paper* We'll need a tower, made out of paper blocks, a blobba pyramid, and a cinema please!!
Judah686: Okay, *gets tools, blocks, T.V.s, gets blobbas* All ready! Now let me get start building... *Making Blobba Pyramid... Grabs blobbas, makes big line, stacks blobbas, grabs nails, grabs hammer...* and the Blobba Pyramid is done!!
*Grabs some T.V.s, grabs some cinema chairs, grabs a cinema logo... Starts to build places blocks... Puts cinema chairs on blocks... places each T.V. in the right place, places speakers by T.V.s, puts up cinema logo, puts doors to walk into cinema, puts red carpet... BLAH BLAH BLAH.. BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH... Places ticket booth, places snack stand......* Ah, the cinema is all ready!
*Grabs paper blocks, starts building tower...*
Ha done! Building factory guy! I've built everything!
Building Factory Guy: Okay, mails cinema... Mails tower... Mails pyramid... All done! Okay here is your money! *Gives 10000000 gold dubble dollars* Thanks for building all the stuff!
Judah686: *GRABS MONEY* WOOHOO! I'M RICH!!! *Calls The CheeseBurger Ninja* (HEY CHEESEBURGER NINJA!!! COME TO UNIVERSECITY, I got your money :)
The CheeseBurger Ninja: Flies spaceship to Universecity, HEY!! Give me my money now!!!
Judah686: HOLD IT! You said, "Give me MY money now!!!" I thought it was YOURS and Toodlepip's, huh?
The Cheeseburger Ninja: Who cares, Shoodlepip Toodlepip blah blah blah! *Robs Judah686 and takes out the 1000 gold dubble dollars* >:D *RUNS AWAY*
Judah686: Hey come back here!!!!! *Calls Dubble Police*
The Dubble Police: Hey!! There you are CheeseBurger Ninja!! Runs after CheeseBurger Ninja... *Trips* Ouch!!! *Gets back up* (Does not see CheeseBurger Ninja in site* NO! THE CHEESEBURGER NINJA HAS ESCAPED!!! NO!!
Judah686: NO!!! Well, at least I still have some more money... *Walks away*
You can check out The Stolen Cheeseburger part 1 here!
(Comment below if you want me to have a part 3, I'm sure most of you Dubbles won't.)
P.S. Sorry for no pictures!
ReplyDeleteI want part 3 please!Cosmic123